Thursday, March 30, 2023

We didn’t stream back then, we “Time shifted”

Do you remember hearing the joke about those technically challenged people who owned a VCR that had a clock that always blinked 12:00? For those of you who only know the world with modern day DVRs and on-demand video streaming services, you may not understand why TVs, VCRs, or Betamax machines all needed to have their own clocks. But, they were a crucial part of these devices, if you wanted to be able to watch a movie or television show “on demand”. You see, back then, this was referred to as “time shifting”.

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Monday, August 22, 2022

Do you store upright or stacked?

So, what is the best way to store your collection of VHS tapes? In order to make shelf space go a little further, is it safe to store your tapes stacked one on top of each other, or is it better to store them upright standing next to each other? I have always stored my VHS tapes standing upright, but as my collection grows, I can see that I would be able to store more tapes on the shelf if I stacked them. But, I really don’t know if doing this will have any sort of negative effect on the life of the tape.

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Monday, July 18, 2022

The nostalgia for VHS

Last night, my wife and I watched one of our movies from our collection, which we haven’t watched in a long time. The movie was “Red Dawn” and it was a real pleasure to watch it again. Best of all, we watched it on VHS and that always brings us a lot of pleasure on its own, for the nostalgia we have for this video format.

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Saturday, July 9, 2022

Our Neuros OSD is still a cornerstone of our video library

Over fifteen years old and this little piece of technology has been a cornerstone of our video library since we bought it, back in 2006. Our Neuros OSD has been a reliable workhorse, providing us with countless hours of care-free movie watching and recording; and this is my little tribute to this overlooked and under-appreciated media player.

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