Friday, October 14, 2022

Some tips on caring for retro/vintage tech

For someone like me, who likes to use vintage technology and electronic gadgets, keeping them in good shape and operational is a top priority. I thought I’d share some of the techniques I use to keep my old tech. in tip-top condition.

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Sunday, September 18, 2022

I’ll be expanding the blog content a little bit

I’ve decided to move some blogging content I was hosting on a “free” service over to this blog, where I have better control over my own content.

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Friday, September 16, 2022

My fondness for Reader’s Digest condensed books

Many book reading enthusiasts don’t approve of the Reader’s Digest Condensed Books format. I’ve read many so-called lovers of books make comments like, “RDs condense books should be burned”, or “send them to the landfills and wipe them from existence.” For me, my collection of Reader’s Digests brings me such fond memories and appreciation, for without them, I would have missed out on enjoying a lot of really entertaining books.

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Saturday, July 9, 2022

Fun with low-resolution digital cameras

Sometimes low tech devices can be a lot of fun and can push your creativity limits, simply because of their own limited capabilities. I find this is most apparent when taking photos with my old tech, low-res digital cameras. I have a few of them, which include my ViviCam 3545, Sharper Image SVC555, Kodak DC-215 and EeePC 701 webcam.

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