Monday, January 22, 2024

The first shall be last and the last first

I’m not impressed by company’s mission statement, or corporate objectives, nor the market share they may have carved out for themselves. What impresses me most about a company or organization is how they treat their clients and user base. Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to experience the performance of the user support team of two IT companies; one of which I truly respect and the other, not so much.

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Saturday, December 9, 2023

Upgrading Linux OS across multiple computers

Upgrading the operating system on multiple PCs can be a bit of a chore and somewhat time consuming. And if you’re concerned about bandwidth usage, like I have to be, keeping everything up to date can be even more of a challenge. But, with Linux, there are some simple things to make the entire process easier and take less time.

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Tuesday, December 5, 2023

How I use SeaMonkey for word processing

In an earlier blog post about the ALT Linux operating system, I mentioned how I make use of SeaMonkey’s Composer as a fill-in for a light weight word processor. I thought I’d create an entry in the blog on how exactly I make use of Composer in this regard.

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Saturday, November 5, 2022

Using Aliases in Linux

Earlier, I talked about how using the command line in Linux can save a lot of time and effort in your day to day computing tasks. But, there’s a very powerful function in Linux, called “alias”, that can save you even more time and effort.

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Sunday, October 16, 2022

A command is worth a dozen mouse-clicks

Linux users should not fear the command line.  One simple command could save you dozens of mouse-clicks to do the same task. I know, the command line isn’t a great option when using a tablet, but you can’t do any real computer work on one of those, anyway.

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Saturday, September 24, 2022

It’s old, but it still works

Yet another DVD player of ours craped out in less than four months! This one I bought from Amazon, so thankfully they’re giving me a refund. But it just re-enforces my opinion that electronics today are total and utter garbage no matter what name-brand you buy. I think you’re just better off with older technology, if you can find it.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Linux: ALT and Window Maker = Good Brain Food

I find it interesting to see how my habits change over time, and how convenience can sometimes cause me to forget about certain things. And it’s not like the things I’ve forgotten are unpleasant or anything like that. I suppose it’s just because the conveniences can just make me lazy in a certain way and become the easier path to take.

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