Saturday, January 28, 2023

A tour of my retro computer workstation

Just for fun, I thought I’d share with you a brief tour of my retro Commodore C128 workstation and all of the components that go into this setup that I enjoy using so much. Some of it is new(er), but most of it is well over 30 years old, yet still functional.

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Thursday, August 18, 2022

Yes I still use my C128 for home accounting

Believe it or not, I still use my C128 to record and track some of my home financing and budgeting. I can just hear you now, wondering why I would even consider using such out-dated technology for such things. Modern operating systems and software surely do the same things easier and offer more functionality than my C64 can provide. Here are my thoughts on the subject.

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Monday, April 25, 2022

My C128 has been cataloging my movies for over 30 years

Ever since the late 80s, I’ve maintained some sort of catalog of my home video collection on my Commodore 128.

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