Thursday, August 24, 2023

Floppy disk’s 40 hour lifespan?

According to the experts, those flimsy floppy disks that I used to store all of my important information onto would be turned to dust by this time. But, here it is, well over three decades later and I’m still reading the same information I stored onto them all those years ago. Good thing I didn’t know that floppy disks had a 40 hour life expectancy.

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Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Robe: The message that stuck with me

My wife and I were watching “The Robe” last night and there was a seemingly insignificant scene in the movie that left a strong message with me that I didn’t expect.

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Thursday, August 3, 2023

When worlds collide: Retro tech in movies

You know, I really get a kick when hobbies that I enjoy come together; like when you’re watching a movie and you see real-world technology of the time appear in a scene. It’s even better when they’re actually using the tech the way it was intended to be used and not as just a prop.

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Thursday, July 27, 2023

The early MP3 players

I was pretty early to the MP3 (or “empty tree” if you’re a fan of the show Corner Gas) scene. It was in sometime in 1999 when I first heard about this new digital music file format. And when I started researching it, something told me right away that it was going to change the industry.

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Saturday, July 22, 2023

I finally score a copy of Outpost

This has been a movie I’ve been looking to add to the collection for some time. Trying to find a copy of it at a reasonable price and in good shape has been a challenge. But, with some perseverance, the planets have finally aligned in my favor.

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Saturday, June 17, 2023

A Floppy Disk In The Hand Is Worth 100 In The Cloud

I know, it’s been a while since I posted to the blog. Been occupied with the spring seeding season, as well as other hobbies that I’ve been focusing on over the past few months. But, today I thought I’d post an article about good ol’ physical media over digital…

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Thursday, March 30, 2023

We didn’t stream back then, we “Time shifted”

Do you remember hearing the joke about those technically challenged people who owned a VCR that had a clock that always blinked 12:00? For those of you who only know the world with modern day DVRs and on-demand video streaming services, you may not understand why TVs, VCRs, or Betamax machines all needed to have their own clocks. But, they were a crucial part of these devices, if you wanted to be able to watch a movie or television show “on demand”. You see, back then, this was referred to as “time shifting”.

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