Saturday, July 22, 2023

I finally score a copy of Outpost

This has been a movie I’ve been looking to add to the collection for some time. Trying to find a copy of it at a reasonable price and in good shape has been a challenge. But, with some perseverance, the planets have finally aligned in my favor.

I first watched Outpost several years ago on pay T.V. The movie itself is an okay ghost/thriller, but what makes it particularly stand out for me is it’s resemblance to my favorite first-person-shooter video game, Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Before I knew the name of the movie, I actually thought it was a movie version of the video game.

The plot basically boils down to a team of mercenaries are hired to find a mysterious device that was a Nazi experiment from WWII. Once inside the rundown bunker where the experiments took place, they encounter the ghostly Nazi army that are trapped in the facility. The movie’s atmosphere is claustrophobic, dark, creepy and has a few good scares in it. Yes, there’s a bit of gore in it too, but pretty tame by today’s standards.

I didn’t get a chance to make a recording of Outpost at the time I first saw it and it never seemed to play again (at least that I can remember) to allow me to ever get a recording of it. Later, when I went looking for the movie on DVD, I could only find copies of the movie’s two sequels, Outpost II and Outpost III. For what ever reason, the first movie seemed to get a very limited release.

Trying to find a good copy of the movie on eBay or Amazon seemed to be a pretty expensive ask. I liked the movie, but I wasn’t willing to pay the prices people were asking for it, or to get it shipped to me. Thankfully, I was finally able to find an affordable copy up for sale.

We watched it the other night and I’m pleased that I could finally add this unique movie to the collection. Even though everything I’ve read about the movie doesn’t mention anything about Return To Castle Wolfenstein, I can see many similar elements of the video game in this movie. So, if you like the Castle Wolfenstein franchise, you may like this movie.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein, aka Outpost

[tag]movies, collection[/tag]