Saturday, December 9, 2023

Upgrading Linux OS across multiple computers

Upgrading the operating system on multiple PCs can be a bit of a chore and somewhat time consuming. And if you’re concerned about bandwidth usage, like I have to be, keeping everything up to date can be even more of a challenge. But, with Linux, there are some simple things to make the entire process easier and take less time.

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Tuesday, December 5, 2023

How I use SeaMonkey for word processing

In an earlier blog post about the ALT Linux operating system, I mentioned how I make use of SeaMonkey’s Composer as a fill-in for a light weight word processor. I thought I’d create an entry in the blog on how exactly I make use of Composer in this regard.

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Thursday, November 30, 2023

Black Friday book deals

This year’s Black Friday was all about books for us. Lulu was having a 30% off promotion and I didn’t want to pass up on the opportunity to grab some of the books I put together, as well as pick up a few Christmas gifts for friends and family along the way.

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Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Revitalizing old fountain pen ink

A couple days ago, I happened across my old stock of fountain pen ink cartridges, which we used to sell from our home fountain pen business over a decade ago. I would have thought not much could go wrong with sealed ink stored for just over a decade. I was about to find out differently.

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Saturday, October 7, 2023

Hooked on Lulu

It all started with simply wanting to obtain the first C64 programming book I ever bought for myself, “Using the Commodore 64 in the Home”. Since I could not find a copy of this book on-line anywhere, at a reasonable price and in good shape, I turned to the publishing service of After that, I was hooked, as they say.

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Friday, September 22, 2023

The idea of printed data storage not so crazy

I guess I’m not the only one who thinks that printing a program listing to paper is a viable data storage solution. Louis Sander, from Philadelphia, seems to think along the same lines as me, in this regard :D !

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Sunday, September 17, 2023

The digital storage medium we tend to overlook

What I continue to find so remarkable is that, you could take something that is printed on a piece of paper and get it to make your computer do something, like play a game.

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