Thursday, August 18, 2022

Yes I still use my C128 for home accounting

Believe it or not, I still use my C128 to record and track some of my home financing and budgeting. I can just hear you now, wondering why I would even consider using such out-dated technology for such things. Modern operating systems and software surely do the same things easier and offer more functionality than my C64 can provide. Here are my thoughts on the subject.

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Saturday, August 13, 2022

My collection of netbook PCs

I really like my netbook. For me, they are the perfect PCs, apart from my Commodores. They do everything I need a desktop PC to do, yet are comfortably mobile. They’re also low on the power requirements scale, easily compatible with our home’s solar power system. I like my netbook so much, I’m well stocked up on replacements.

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Thursday, August 11, 2022

Edubook: The netbook that runs on AA batteries

Back in 2010, the electronics company Norhtec, based in Thailand, came up with an innovative design for an inexpensive, power efficient and modular portable “netbook” computer. From what I can remember about the marketing from the time, the Gecko Edubook was designed to be a computer that could be a cost effective solution for providing computer access to schools and learning institutions in lower income economies. One way of achieving this was designing it to run on standard AA batteries.

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Saturday, August 6, 2022

The Sylvania turntable gets an upgrade

With a new drive belt and diamond tipped stylus needle installed, my Sylvania SRCD838 “nostalgia” turntable is sounding better than ever!

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Sunday, July 31, 2022

Cheap is just the new “normal”

This evening, we sat down to watch a couple of movies that we haven’t seen for a while. First, we watched “A Knight’s Tale”, which is one of the first movies we ever purchased on DVD. This was back in 2001; over twenty years ago already! After that, we decided to watch one of the more recent DVDs we’ve purchased, X-Men Apocalypse. When I picked up the box from the shelf it almost flew right out of my hand!

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Monday, July 18, 2022

The nostalgia for VHS

Last night, my wife and I watched one of our movies from our collection, which we haven’t watched in a long time. The movie was “Red Dawn” and it was a real pleasure to watch it again. Best of all, we watched it on VHS and that always brings us a lot of pleasure on its own, for the nostalgia we have for this video format.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Today’s technology is so advanced, it’s utterly boring

You could say that I’m a “gadget guy.” I really enjoy electronic gadgets, at least electronic gadgets before the days of the all-in-one “smart” devices. Today’s consumer devices may be the most technically advanced and functionally diverse gadgetry ever to exist, but let’s face it: they’re boring.

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