Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Linux: ALT and Window Maker = Good Brain Food

I find it interesting to see how my habits change over time, and how convenience can sometimes cause me to forget about certain things. And it’s not like the things I’ve forgotten are unpleasant or anything like that. I suppose it’s just because the conveniences can just make me lazy in a certain way and become the easier path to take.

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Monday, September 19, 2022

Linux: Back to my Linux roots

I decided to go back to my Linux roots and revisit one of the first Linux distributions I ever used: ALT Linux. (ALT Linux Team) was established in 2001 and is an RPM based Linux OS, originally forked from the Mandrake Linux project.
(This is a re-posting from an article I wrote on Jan 15, 2022)

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Sunday, September 18, 2022

I’ll be expanding the blog content a little bit

I’ve decided to move some blogging content I was hosting on a “free” service over to this blog, where I have better control over my own content.

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Friday, September 16, 2022

My fondness for Reader’s Digest condensed books

Many book reading enthusiasts don’t approve of the Reader’s Digest Condensed Books format. I’ve read many so-called lovers of books make comments like, “RDs condense books should be burned”, or “send them to the landfills and wipe them from existence.” For me, my collection of Reader’s Digests brings me such fond memories and appreciation, for without them, I would have missed out on enjoying a lot of really entertaining books.

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Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Always expect the unexpected

Out here on the prairie, in the middle of nowhere, finding any sort of vintage Commodore hardware or software these days is one of the furthest things on my mind. Well, look at what just fell into my lap today!

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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

New A/V Cable for the Sega Genesis

I’ve been looking at my Sega Genesis Model 1 sitting on it’s shelf and wondered how difficult it would be for me to upgrade the video output. I’d like to be able to play it on our LCD T.V., like all the other consoles I have in the media cabinet. So, I set out to learn how to make my own composite A/V cable.

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Monday, August 22, 2022

Do you store upright or stacked?

So, what is the best way to store your collection of VHS tapes? In order to make shelf space go a little further, is it safe to store your tapes stacked one on top of each other, or is it better to store them upright standing next to each other? I have always stored my VHS tapes standing upright, but as my collection grows, I can see that I would be able to store more tapes on the shelf if I stacked them. But, I really don’t know if doing this will have any sort of negative effect on the life of the tape.

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