Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Time for some Christmas music

It that time of year again to enjoy some wholesome and heart filling Christmas music. And there’s no other form of Christmas music that means so much to me and fills my heart with gladness than Christmas music recorded onto vinyl.

The Little Drummer Boy LP

We have a few Christmas records, but this particular album, The Little Drummer Boy, holds a very special place in my heart. As far back as I can remember celebrating Christmas, I can remember this album being a big part of it. It’s been in our family for these past fifty seven or so years and it’s been enjoyed every Christmas.

I can remember as a kid sitting by the big old console hi-fi, listening to this record over and over again. The lyrics for each of the carols on this album were printed on the back cover. When listening to the album, it was easy to follow along. My favourites were Oh Holy Night and of course The Little Drummer Boy. After I moved away from home, I still listened to it when I visited Mom and Dad, but it’s been several years that I have not been able to go home for Christmas. So, for a long time now, this album was just a very pleasant Christmas memory for me.

Recently, my father passed away and my mother can no longer live at home, due to her dementia. This record was part of their estate that was given to me. I’m so grateful that it has survived all of these many years and found it’s way back to me. It has become one of my most cherished albums in our collection. I listen to it now with such fond memories. It helps make Christmas just that little more joyful.

Another cherished album in my collection is one that my wife gave to me as a Christmas gift a few years ago. It is the green vinyl pressing of the soundtrack to A Charlie Brown Christmas.

A Charlie Brown Christmas LP

This is another one of those childhood memories that made Christmas so special. I can remember watching A Charlie Brown Christmas on television just about every year, as a child. And to listen to the music now, after all of these years, brings back all of those wonderful memories; not to mention all of the wonderful gifts I remember receiving from my parents, year after year.

With the passing of my father and the state that my mother is in right now, this Christmas could really be a depressing one, if it weren’t for all of these wonderful memories that fill my heart. I also have a wonderful and loving wife by my side to help me through the tough times, as well. So, I’m very grateful. But most of all, I’m grateful to my Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ, for blessing me in so many ways.

Merry Christmas to all who are reading this. I wish you a very happy and blessed holiday and healthy new year. Please remember the sacrifice that has been made for all of mankind, which is the reason we celebrate Christmas in the first place.

  1. Andrew

    Tuesday, December 20, 2022 - 12:30:18

    While I don’t have “The Little Drummer Boy” in vinyl, that has always been my favorite Christmas carol. It doesn’t evoke the memories that you describe…I guess I just like the music and the lyrics. Thanks for sharing.

  2. DavidB

    Tuesday, December 20, 2022 - 12:56:39

    Agreed. It tells a nice story in its singing. It was very popular when first released on record. Thanks for visiting. Happy holidays to you, Andrew!

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