Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Printing DVD labels like it’s 1989

Yet another update on my DVD burning project; I wrote a small BASIC program for my C128 to print covers for my DVD cases. Although most of the discs I’m creating will be going into the DVD organizer, some special collections I want to put on the shelf, with our studio produced discs.

I could have gone for fancy, full colour covers printed with the inkjet printer, but where’s the “retro” in that? It’s also much more expensive. These “special” movies are titles that I once had recorded onto VHS and back then, I would printed similar labels for the tapes using my Commodore and dot matrix printer. So, I decided to stick with that format for these discs. Rather than putting graphics on the covers, I’m using it as an index card, listing the movies on each of the discs inside, as well as a catalog number on the spine.

I also wrote another program to print sticky labels for the DVDs, themselves. The results are simple, but very nostalgic, and they make good use of my 128 and Gemini II dot matrix printer. I like it. If you’d like to read a little bit more about it, stop by my Commodore Blog.


[tag]commodore, movies[/tag]

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