Sunday, September 18, 2022

I’ll be expanding the blog content a little bit

I’ve decided to move some blogging content I was hosting on a “free” service over to this blog, where I have better control over my own content.

Although these posts will be focused on modern day Linux, I suppose you could still consider them somewhat “retro”, as all of my PCs are at least ten to thirteen years old… or older. Think of these entries as how to keep old retro computers up-to-date and use-able in a modern world.

However, if Linux and general desktop computing isn’t something that interests you, I will be categorizing these posts and labeling them with “Linux” in the title. So, it should be easy enough to avoid these posts if that’s not your sort of thing.

For the next little while, these entries will also be backdated, until I get all the pertinent information up to speed. This is more for you couple of people who actually read my blog, to help lead you through the timeline of these entries in case they are of some interest.

Up next: Linux