Friday, September 16, 2022

My fondness for Reader’s Digest condensed books

Many book reading enthusiasts don’t approve of the Reader’s Digest Condensed Books format. I’ve read many so-called lovers of books make comments like, “RDs condense books should be burned”, or “send them to the landfills and wipe them from existence.” For me, my collection of Reader’s Digests brings me such fond memories and appreciation, for without them, I would have missed out on enjoying a lot of really entertaining books.

Some of my Reader’s Digest library

My father was a very avid reader. Throughout my childhood I can recall him spending many evenings, after we kids all went to bed, reading a book in his comfy armchair, while Mom watched her evening dramas on television. I can recall that many of the books Dad read were from his Reader’s Digest subscription. In those days, we lived in a small community and not a lot of extra money to spend on extravagancies, like books. So, the RD condensed books were very cost effective, as each volume contained four our five novels.

During my childhood I wasn’t all that interested in reading books, but when I was older in my teens, I did start to read more. In my late 20s, there was a time when I had enough of paying the ever so increasing costs of cable television so, I decided to drop the whole thing and get a subscription to Reader’s Digest. If it was good enough for my dad, then it should do well for me, too. And, I actually did enjoy it. Every few weeks a volume would show up in my mail box and I would read the stories that it contained. Many of the books in each edition would never have been something I would have went out and bought, myself. But, I still enjoyed reading the majority of them. And, because I’m such a slow reader, each collection of stories would last me well into my next delivery.

Another benefit, at least for me, that came with reading these condensed books is that I was able to finish each story without losing interest, which usually happened when I tried to read novels. Unless it was something I was particularly interested in, my attention would wander with over-detailed writing. This was probably why I didn’t enjoy reading in my youth. Maybe if I started reading Dad’s condensed books earlier, I would have felt differently.

Speaking of Dad’s collection, I have what ever was left of the collection after his passing, back in October of 2020, and have put them with my own. After all of these years (some of his are from the early 70s) these hard covered books have held up really well. They’ve certainly held up much better than the paperbacks I have in my collection. So, there’s certainly good value for money, there. The other good thing I can say about the RD condensed books is that, as someone who doesn’t care for the gratuitous sex, violence and foul language found in certain novels (especially today), the editors always seemed to do a good job of omitting these portions without sacrificing the underlying story. I appreciated that greatly.

In my opinion, the condensed book club service of Reader’s Digest has done a wonderful job at exposing a great deal of people to the world of reading. The products they produced were of good quality and good value for money. And during the days before the all powerful Internet and the disposable world that it has ushered in, many people who didn’t have easy access to books could still enjoy them because of Reader’s Digest. To say that the world would have been better off without their books is very short sighted and, quite frankly, a very snobbish point of view.

But, what ever the case, I’m very fond of my collection of Reader’s Digest books and to look at them on the shelf brings me such warm and loving memories of my father. My world would not be the same without them. I miss you, Dad.
[tag]books, collection[/tag]